Press Archives
14 June 2023: OPTOMICS team has a Comment article in Nature Communications!
14 June 2023: OPTOMICS team has a Comment article in Nature Communications! Researchers at the Institute of Translational Genomics at partner Helmholtz Munich have released a comment in the journal Nature Communications. The article, titled “Unravelling the genetic architecture of human complex traits through whole genome sequencing” discusses the role …Read More »11 March 2023: The HMGU Institute of Translational Genomics featured on Schwanke Meets Science and in corresponding press release
11 March 2023: The HMGU Institute of Translational Genomics featured on Schwanke Meets Science and in corresponding press release Previous Next The research of OPTOMICS partner, the Institute of Translational Genomics at Helmholtz Munich, has been highlighted on the popular German science show, Schwanke meets Science, which is show on …Read More »8 March 2023: TUM Klinikum rechts der Isar named 20th best hospital worldwide
8 March 2023: TUM Klinikum rechts der Isar named 20th best hospital worldwide! The Klinikum rechts der Isar, the university hospital of the Technical University of Munich and where one half of the OPTOMICS clinical trial will take place, has been ranke in the top 20 “World’s Best Hospitals 2023” by Newsweek! …Read More »8 March 2023: On International Women’s Day, OPTOMICS celebrates its strong female team
8 March 2023: On International Women’s Day, OPTOMICS celebrates its strong female team On the occassion of International Women’s Day 2023, the OPTOMICS team is proud to promote our female members. We have a strong female presence, with half of half of the team and nearly all of our clinicians …Read More »28 January 2023: OPTOMICS Coordinator talk at SPIE Photonics West BiOS Hot Topics plenary session
28 January 2023: OPTOMICS Coordinator talk at SPIE Photonics West BiOS Hot Topics plenary session OPTOMICS Coordinator and director of the Chair of Biological Imaging at the Technical University of Munich gave a talk during SPIE Photonics West BiOS Hot Topics plenary session on 28 January 2023 in San Fransisco, …Read More »13 January 2023: OPTOMICS 2nd Consortium Meeting and RSOM training
13 January 2023: OPTOMICS 2nd Consortium Meeting held in Munich Previous Next On 13 January 2023, the OPTOMICS Consortium, along with our Scientific Advisory Board and our Ethics Advisor met in person for the first time on the occasion of the project’s 2nd Consortium Meeting. The meeting, which was held …Read More »18 November 2022: WINTHER Coordinator presents at Khalifa University
18 November 2022: WINTHER Coordinator presents at Khalifa University On 18 November 2022, Coordinator of the WINTHER project, Prof. Vasilis Nztiachristos, visited Khalifa University’s Faculty of Bioengineering in the United Arab Emirates. The purpose of the talk was to spark new collaborations and disseminate information about optoacoustic imaging in biomedical …Read More »22 October 2022: WINTHER Coordinator presents at the GeNeDis 2022
22 October 2022: WINTHER Coordinator presents at the GeNeDis 2022 On 22 October 2022, OPTOMICS Coordinator, Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos, gave a keynote talk titled ‘Illuminating Medical Readings with optoacoutic imaging‘. The talk was part of the 5th Geriatrics and Neurogenerative Diseases Conference in the Session ‘Digital Transformation in the field …Read More »21 October 2022: Twitter Takeover on Day of Photonics 2022!
21 October 2022: Twitter Takeover on Day of Photonics 2022! October 21, 1983, the General Conference of Weights and Measures adopted the value 299,792.458 km/s for the speed of light. At the occasion of the anniversary, on the so-called international Day of Photonics hundreds of activities are voluntarily organized …Read More »28 September 2022: OPTOMICS Coordinator leads workshop at the World Molecular Imaging Congress 2022
28 September – 1 October 2022: OPTOMICS at the World Molecular Imaging Congress On 28 September 2022 during the World Moleucular Imaging Congress (WMIC) 2022, TUM Coordinator, Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos, ran an Interest Group Workshop on “Advances in Optical and Optoacoustic Interventional Imaging“. The purpose of the workshop and of …Read More »26 September 2022: Partner HMGU gives talk at the German Human Genome-Phenome Archive Lecture Series
26 September 2022: Partner HMGU gives talk at the German Human Genome-Phenome Archive Lecture Series On 26 September 2022, OPTOMICS scientist, Will Rayner, from the Helmholtz Munich Institute of Translational Genomics gave a lecture titled ‘Towards Federated Genetic Analyses’ during the German Human Genome-Phenome Archive Lecture Series ‘Advances in Data-Driven …Read More »04-06 July 2022: OPTOMICS at the Nature Bioengineering Solutions for Biology and Medicine Conference
04-06 July 2022: OPTOMICS at the Nature Bioengineering Solutions for Biology and Medicine Conference From 4-6 July 2022, the Nature Bioengineering Solutions for Biology and Medicine Conference was hosted at the Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (HBW) in Munich, Germany. The conference highlighted the latest impactful innovations in bioengineering and artificial …Read More »15 June 2022: Complementary Grant, DIGIPREDICT, releases explanatory videos from Consortium Meeting
15 June 2022: Complementary Grant, DIGIPREDICT, releases explanatory videos from Consortium Meeting On 7 April 2022, Complementary EU Horizon 2020 project, DIGIPREDICT (Grant No. 101017915) had their first Consortium Meeting. During the meeting, presentations were recorded and have now been released. The presenations include information on scientific aspects of the …Read More »18 March 2022: Neurotwin Workshop ‘Can Digital Twins be Successful?’
18 March 2022: Neurotwin Workshop ‘Can Digital Twins be Successful?’ On 18 March 2022, Complementary EU Horizon 2020 project, Neurotwin (Grant No. 101017716) held a free workshop titled ‘Can Digital Twins be Successful?’. The workshop, which was held in hybrid format, included talks from Dr. Giulio Ruffini, Prof. Gustavo Deco, …Read More »15-18 March 2022: OPTOMICS at EMIM 2022!
15-18 March, 2022: OPTOMICS at EMIM 2022! From March 15-18, 2022, the 17th annual European Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM) of the European Society for Molecular Imaging took place in Thessaloniki, Greece. During the meeting, WINTHER partners gave talks and presented posters in several sessions, including the Coordinator, Prof. Dr. Vasilis …Read More »15 March 2022: Complementary Digital Twin Project, DIGIPREDICT, releases their first peer-reviewed publication!
15 March 2022: Complementary Digital Twin Project, DIGIPREDICT, releases their first peer-reviewed publication! On 15 March 2022, Complementary EU Horizon 2020 project, DIGIPREDICT (Grant No. 101017915) had their first peer-reviewed publication released in the IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices journal! The article presents protein sensor, which is an excellent candidate …Read More »9 March 2022: First OPTOMICS publication now available in the journal of Human Molecular Genetics!
9 March 2022: First OPTOMICS publication now available in the journal of Human Molecular Genetics! The first peer-reviewed publication of the OPTOMICS project is now out in Human Molecular Genetics! Led by the team at University of Tartu and utilizing Estonian Biobank data, the article titled ‘Multi-ancestry genome-wide association study …Read More »22 February 2022: OPTOMICS Partner, Nightgale Health, featured in Startup Health magazine
22 February 2022: OPTOMICS Partner, Nightgale Health, featured in Startup Health magazine OPTOMICS partner, Nightingale Health was featured in a 7-page article in StartUp Health Magazine! The article, titled “Nightingale Is Reinventing Preventative Health One Blood Draw at a Time,” gives an excellent overview of mission, technology, and recent achievements …Read More »16 February 2022: Complementary Digital Twin Project, Neurotwin, in WIRED magazine!
16 February 2022: Complementary Digital Twin Project, Neurotwin, in WIRED magazine! On February 15th, 2022, Complementary EU Horizon 2020 project, Neurotwin (Grant No. 101017716) was featured in Wired Magazine! The article discusses the background of the project as well as the future of Digital Twin technologies for personalized healthcare. The …Read More »21 January 2022: OPTOMICS 1st Consortium Meeting and Ethics Workshop
21 January 2022: OPTOMICS 1st Consortium Meeting and Ethics Workshop On January 21th, 2022, the OPTOMICS partners and researchers met for the 1st Ethics Workshop and 1st Consortium Meeting. During the Ethics Workshop, all members of the project were trained on protocols to ensure proper care is taken toward the …Read More »13 December 2021: Raster-Scan Optoacoustic Mesoscopy (RSOM) Press Release!
13 December 2021: Raster-Scan Optoacoustic Mesoscopy (RSOM) Press Release! The achievements of the Technical University of Munich in developing the innovative raster-scan optoacoustic mesoscopy (RSOM) technology are featured in a new press release from the Technical University of Munich. The article describes the development of the RSOM through TUM-coordinated EU …Read More »24 November 2021: EC Innovation Award 2021
24 November 2021: EC Innovation Award 2021 A precursor project to OPTOMICS, project INNODERM through which the RSOM was developed was chosen to receive the European Commission’s 2021 ECS Innovation Award. On 24 November 2021, at the annual European Forum for Electronic Components and Systems (EFECS) meeting, Coordinator Prof. Vasilis …Read More »17 November 2021: Digital Twins First Cross-Project Collaboration Meeting
17 November 2021: Digital Twins First Cross-Project Collaboration Meeting On November 17, the three Complementary Beneficiaries of the Digital Twins for Life Sciences call (OPTOMICS, Neurotwin, and DIGIPREDICT) met for their first full-team Cross-Project Collaboration Meeting. The closed discussion was held as the capstone to the EPFL Digital Twin Days …Read More »31 August 2021: Prof. Ele Zeggini’s research in full focus in Greek daily newspaper, Kathimerini
31 August 2021: Prof. Ele Zeggini’s research in full focus in Greek daily newspaper, Kathimerini OPTOMICS partner HMGU PI, Professor Ele Zeggini, was featured in a full length article in the Greek daily newspaper, Kathimerini. The article discusses her research career thus far and the new directions she is currently …Read More »24-27 August 2021: RSOM at EMIM 2021
24-27 August 2021: RSOM at EMIM 2021 OPTOMICS partner TUM and its technology RSOM had a strong presence at the European Society of Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM) 2021 in Göttingen, Germany. There were several presentations and posters by researchers including a plenary talk about bimodal optical/optoacoustic imaging by former IBMI …Read More »20-25 June 2021: OPTOMICS at World of Photonics ECBO Congress
20-25 June 2021: OPTOMICS at World of Photonics ECBO Congress OPTOMICS Coordinator, Vasilis Ntziachristos, gave a keynote lecture titled “The talk was titled ‘A New Era for the Optical Method” at the World of Photonics Congress, which bundles various topical conferences under one roof under the organization by Messe München …Read More »16 June 2021: IBMI, parent organization of OPTOMICS, launches a Women’s Organization
16 June 2021: IBMI, parent organization of OPTOMICS, launches a Women’s Organization The Institute for Biological and Medical Imaging (Munich Imaging) has launched a new organization called Women of IBMI, with the purpose of promoting women in science. The club will serve to provide mentors and female speakers, introduce role …Read More »8 June 2021: OPTOMICS at Zeiss Symposium
8 June 2021: OPTOMICS at Zeiss Symposium OPTOMICS Coordinator, Vasilis Ntziachristos, gave a keynote lecture at the Zeiss symposium on Optics in Medicine. The symposium hosted speakers from scientific and industry backgrounds in the field of optics. More information can be found on the Zeiss Symposium website: ZEISS SymposiumRead More »10-12 May 2021: OPTOMICS at 8th Helmholtz Diabetes Conference
10-12 May 2021: OPTOMICS at 8th Helmholtz Diabetes Conference The 8th Helmholtz Diabetes Conference was held from May 10-12, 2021, in a virtual format. During the meeting, Prof. Eleftheria Zeggini gave the keynote lecture, titled “Next generation association studies of cardiometabolic traits,” in which she discussed the OPTOMICS project and …Read More »2 March 2021: OPTOMICS featured on FETFx cross-media communication platform
2 March 2021: OPTOMICS featured on FETFx cross-media communication platform The OPTOMICS project, which is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 FET Proactive Emerging Paradigms and Communities (FETPROACT-EIC-07-2020) initiative, was featured on the FETFx website. FETFx is a cross-media communication platform designed to provide updates on FET funded projects. To …Read More »23 February 2021: OPTOMICS Kick-Off Meeting
23 February 2021: OPTOMICS Kick-Off Meeting On February 23, 2021, the OPTOMICS partners met for the first time as a consortium. The principal investigators of each member organization of the consortium introduced themselves, their institute or enterprise, and key personnel that will be involved in the project. Furthemore, important deadlines …Read More »18 February 2021: OPTOMICS project featured on the EU Horizon 2020 website
18 February 2021: OPTOMICS project featured on the EU Horizon 2020 website The European Commission Horizon 2020 website has released an editorial article about the OPTOMICS project featuring information about the project and consortium partners, and including quotes from project scientists. To read the full article on the H2020 homepage, …Read More »11 February 2021: Ele Zeggini gives HMGU Townhall Seminar to introduce OPTOMICS
11 February 2021: Ele Zeggini gives HMGU Townhall Seminar to introduce OPTOMICS Professor Ele Zeggini (PI of partner HMGU in the OPTOMICS project) gave a presentation to introduce the OPTOMICS project at the Helmholtz Center Munich’s Townhall Meeting today. The meeting was closed to the public but was highly attended …Read More »Hello World! The OPTOMICS Project has begun.
January 1, 2021 marks the start of the EU Horizon 2020 FET Proactive project, OPTOMICS (GA No. 101017802). The project aims to research methodology that can deliver a paradigm shift in type-2 diabetes healthcare, by integrating molecular phenotyping, phenotypic measurements in humans, representative of diabetes onset and progression, measured by …Read More »